
We have many contests for patients to promote good oral health and maintain interest in treatment.


The account #  that was selected to win the Visa Gift Card this week is 2300145

You have until Tuesday, January 21st at 5 PM to claim your prize if you are this week's winner. Check weekly to see if you have the winning account #. The prize is valued at $200.00 this week. Each week the Visa Gift Card prize will increase by $10.00 until it finally maxes out at $200.00.




Contest #1: Win a Visa Gift Card

A random patient account number is drawn each week. The VISA gift card starts out at $100, increasing $10 each week (with a maximum of $200) until someone wins. You must visit our website,,  to see if you are the winner. A new account number is posted every Wednesday and expires the following Tuesday at 5pm.

** We do not call you to say you have won. **

Contest #2: Visit Us on Facebook

Check out our Facebook page for additional ways to earn points, learn of things going on in our office, special promotions, interesting dental/ortho related facts.

like us on facebook


In Addition:

While in active treatment, if you visit your primary dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and you will be rewarded with a movie ticket. Ask for details at the Front Desk.

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